Okay.....I wasn't ready for this. We're never really ready to lose one of our furry friends, though.
Bridie and I have been through alot together....she was my bud and my best friend when a divorce came my way 10 years ago, and she was at my wedding last October when Ken and I got married. She loved him right away....
She cuddled with me and comforted me when thunderstorms were hitting all around us one summer night...(yup...I was the one that was scared)! She would sneak my coffee every chance she got....(never Kens...he drinks his black)...she likes hers with milk! If Ken made bread, you had to put it in the microwave to hide it! She was my counter-cruising, sock eating, best buddy ever....I loved her. She is the reason that my farm is named Kindred Spirit. She came to me almost 10 years ago...we will miss her terribly! Dragonmist Kindred Spirit....aka Bridie....
The Queen is dead...long live the Queen.