It was a working weekend.....even Luke was tired! (Tim took a break from guard duties to take a snooze). We moved some fence netting to separate the 4 ewe lambs and give them more room to play. The call ducks got moved into their new quarters ( still have their pool for now) and the chickens got moved into their roomy coop. Fall is when all the loose ends need to be tied up before those North winds start to blow!! I don't look forward to winter right now, but it's because there is so much to do! Once the rest of the wood is stacked (three more cords to go), and the first snowflakes fall....I'll snuggle up to the woodstove and relax!
I love how the mountains change with every season....and the full moon, too. Some of the winter shots are spectacular.....I'll keep you posted! For now, I'm going to stoke the stove...it's getting chilly.
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